Catherine I (March Samuilovna Skavronskaya (Cruz), Ekaterina A. Mikhailov, 5 [15] April 1684 - 6 [17] May 1727) - Empress of Russia from 1721 as the wife of the reigning emperor, ruling from 1725 as the Empress; second wife of Peter I the Great, the mother of Empress Elizabeth.
In her honor Peter I instituted the Order of St. Catherine (in 1713) and was named city of Yekaterinburg in the Urals (in 1723). Name is Catherine I and Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo (built with her daughter Elizabeth).
Portrait of Catherine I. J.-M. Nattier (1717)

Wedding of Peter I and Catherine Alekseevny in 1712. Engraving AF Zubov, 1712

Peter I and Catherine I ride on the Neva

Catherine I Alekseevna
(Martha Skavronskaya)
Years of life: 1684-1727
During the reign of: January 28 1725g. until May 6, 1727
Russian queen from 6 March 1717 ..
Empress December 23, 1721.
The former maid and mending, became the wife of Tsar Peter I, and after the Russian queen and empress.
Catherine was born on 5 (15) April 1684 GV Lithuania in the family of the Latvian peasant Samuel Skavronskaia (according to other sources - Swedish Quartermaster I.Rabe or noble background Alvendalya) presumably from (Anna) Dorothea Gan. Prior to the adoption of Orthodoxy Catherine was named Martha (her godfather was the Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, here - her middle name). Education is not received until the end of days was able to put a signature. His youth spent in the house of Pastor Gluck in Marienburg (Latvia), where she was a laundress and cook. Pastor gave Martha married a Swedish dragoon -trubacha Kruse, who disappeared soon in the war.
August 25, 1702 in the capture of Marienburg by Russian troops in March became the first spoils of war - the mistress of a non-commissioned officer, and later hit the convoy B.P.Sheremeteva who gave her mending (t.e.prachkoy) Alexander Menshikov , a friend of Peter I.
Soon, in 1703 in the Menshikov Martha king saw Peter, and this meeting decided the fate of 18-year-old laundress completely. Although the modern view, it was not a beauty, her facial features were wrong, yet Peter she sunk into dushu.Snachala Marta became one of his mistresses; and in 1704, baptized in the Orthodox tradition under the name of Catherine I, waiting for the children of Peter, in March 1705, they had two sons - Paul and Peter. But Catherine still continued to live in the house Menshikov in St. Petersburg.

Gradually, the relationship of Peter and Catherine I became closer. She was able to adapt to the king's whims, put up with his outbursts of anger, helped during epileptic seizures, shared with him the difficulties camp life, quietly becoming the de facto wife of the king. Direct participation in public affairs Catherine was not trying to make, but had influence on the king. Was a constant defender of Menshikov. Peter - and it was extremely important - admitted children who gave birth to him Catherine.
Prior to that, Peter's family life evolved bad. From his first wife Eudoxia had 3 sons, of whom survived only Tsarevich Alexei. But since 1692 the family went to a quarrel, as Peter knew that he needed a number of completely different life partner. And returning from abroad, in 1698 Peter ordered to send his wife to the monastery.
At the end of December 1706 Catherine gave birth to the king's daughter Catherine. In 1708 was born the daughter of Anna, and the next year - Elizabeth.
From 1709 Catherine accompanied Peter in all the campaigns and journeys. In the Prut campaign in 1711, when Russian troops were surrounded, she saved her husband and the army, giving her jewelry Turkish Grand Vizier bowed him to sign a truce.
Upon his return to St. Petersburg February 20, 1712 Peter married to Catherine. The wedding was a secret and is committed to the chapel, which belonged to the book. Menshikov.

Since then, Catherine has got a yard, took foreign ambassadors, met with European monarchs. Wife of the king-reformer in strength and endurance will not inferior to her husband Peter, from 1704 to 1723 she bore him 11 children, most of whom died in infancy. Frequent pregnancy prevented her to accompany her husband in his campaigns, she could sleep on a hard bed, live in a tent. In 1714 in memory of Tsar Peter Prut campaign instituted the Order of St. Catherine and awarded his wife Catherine in her birthday.
During the Persian campaign of 1722-1723 years Ekaterina A. shaved his head and wore a Grenadier cap. Together with her husband did review the troops, passing before the battle.
December 23, 1721 the Senate and Synod recognized the Empress Catherine. For her coronation in May 1724 was made crown, which surpassed the splendor of the crown of the king, and Peter himself laid it on the head of his wife. There are versions that he was going to officially proclaim Catherine as his successor, but he did not learn about changes to Catherine Chamberlain Willie Mons, who was executed shortly.
Relationship of Tsar Peter and Catherine I became strained. Only at the beginning of January 1725 their daughter Elizabeth was able to reconcile his father and mother. Less than a month later King Peter died (on the night of 28 to 29 January 1725).
After the death of Peter the crowd of courtiers and generals shared on 2 main "party" - supporters of Peter I and the younger supporters Catherine. The split was inevitable.
With the help of Menshikov, I.I.Buturlina, P.I.Yaguzhinskogo and by relying on the guard she was raised to the throne under the name of Catherine I. by agreement with Menshikov, Catherine was not engaged in public affairs, and February 8, 1726 handed over control of the country Supreme Privy Council (1726-1730 gg.).

From the very beginning of the reign of Catherine I and her advisers have sought to show everyone that the banner is in good hands, that the country is well on the way, the drawn great reformer. The slogan of the beginning of the reign of Catherine were the words of the decree 19maya 1725: "We wish all the works conceived hands of the emperor, with the help of God to commit."
Becoming autocrat, Catherine found a craving for entertainment and spent much time at balls and various celebrations. This is detrimental to the health of the Empress. In March 1727 at the feet of the Empress a tumor that quickly moved to the thigh. In April 1727 she fell ill, and May 6, 1727 Ekaterina A. died at 43 years of age.
It is said that a few hours before the death of Catherine Alexeevna dreamed that she was sitting at a table surrounded by courtiers, she saw the shadow of Peter, who beckoned to her, his "friend serdeshnenkogo" for themselves, and they flew away, as if in a cloud.
Catherine wanted to pass the throne to his daughter, Elizabeth, but for a couple of days before his death, under pressure Menshikov signed a will on the transfer of the throne grandson of Peter I - Peter II Alexeyevich advocated by representatives of more nobility (D.M.Golitsyn, V.V.Dolgoruky ) with its accession to the throne. And in the case of the death of Peter I, to her daughters or their descendants.
Despite the enormous influence of Menshikov, during the reign of Catherine I had done a lot of good things. Among the most significant events during the reign of Catherine - the opening of the Academy of Sciences November 19, 1725, sending the expedition of Vitus Bering Kamchatka (February 1725), as well as the improvement of diplomatic relations with Austria. Shortly before his death, returned from exile P.P.Shafirova, instructing him to write the history of the acts of her husband Peter. Catherine, following the Christian tradition of forgiveness, released many political prisoners and exiles - the victims of the autocratic Peter anger. Catherine approved the reduction of taxes and some benefits for the penalty. Was established the Order of Alexander Nevsky name. In her decree was ordered from the boards and offices deliver to the printing details of all "noble deeds which were due to the conduct of the people's." She did not cancel any of the unfinished Peter undertakings.
Altogether Catherine I with Peter had 11 children:
Peter (1704 - 1707gg.)
Paul (1705 - 1707gg.)
Catherine (1706 - 1708gg.)
Anna (1708-1728 gg.) - Mother of the Russian Emperor Peter III (1728-1762gg.). In 1725 she married the German Duke Karl Friedrich.
Elizabeth (1709 - 1761 gg.) - Russian Empress (1741-1762gg.). In 1744 entered into a secret marriage with AG Razumovsky, from whom she had several children.
Natalia (1713 - 1715gg.)
Margarita (1714 - 1715gg.)
Peter (1715 - 1719 gg.) - Considered the official heir to the crown from 1718 to death.
Paul (born and died in 1717)
Natalia (1718 - 1725 gg.)
Peter (1719 - 1723 gg.)