"I always wanted to write only in watercolor, but I have tried a lot of other materials during the study. I have always admired watercolors Anders Zorn. I watched and studied his art in books, museums and exhibitions."

Clayderman Richard - I Will Always Love You
"When I was painting in Russia, my teacher was a fine painter Leonid Krivitsky. He wrote butter and wanted me to do the same. But I prefer watercolor. My graduate work was a series of five watercolors with views of St. Petersburg, the city where I was born . Each watercolor represents the city through the eyes of one of the famous Russian writers: Block Petersburg, Dostoevsky, Pushkin and Akhmatova Bergolts. "

Call your parents
So often lost in the cycle,
Residents of large cities fussy -
We remember the plans, friends and work
Forgetting for a moment, as we love to parents ...
Having spent itself on the partners and meetings
The congestion at rush hour, stupid drivers,
Throwing gown on tired shoulders,
Forget sleep ... No bells parents.
But in the morning - at the start: there will be a new race,
Everyone has his own role, comedy, audience ...
And yet, having forgiven child a priori,
With hope at the window waiting for the parents.
And life is constantly committed to the finals ...
And, to a sense of the winner,
Call, write, hurry to the top -
In the house where heat will warm you parents!
@ Love Deuce

"I get inspiration mainly in nature, in the colors of the seasons in the northern light and shadows. Most of all I like to write something as reality changes reflected in the water. I love writing in March, when the snow melts. I do it and now, but not too often. I now have a much better shape memory due to long scenic experience. "

"I choose the best sketches, written in the open air, and write with the help of their great work in his studio. In the open air I write what I see. In the studio, I write what I want to see. I am sometimes asked: how long it takes to write a great job ? Should we also find here the time spent not traveling in search of objects and inspiration? Work on the sketches? Unsuccessful Work? Reflections and disputes? I can only say that the creation of works of art occupies the entire life of the artist. Sometimes the work on a large watercolor can take a month . "

"The idea to open a Center watercolor" Akvarellcenter "came to me and my husband Felix Ginzburg for selfish reasons - to create art world, where everything is in line with our wishes - exhibitions, artists choice, the choice of their excellent work that we can enjoy while they hang in our gallery. This idea also liked the art lovers in Sweden. "

"The recipe of popularity for any artist - is, first of all, a good painting, which can occur if you do not think about the popularity and money when you write."

How do I close and clear
This world - green, blue,
World of the living transparent stains
And elastic, flexible lines.
Shook the world is covered in mist.
Clear the air fresh and clean.
On large trunks of chestnut trees
Flared pale sheet.
The sky all day is blinking
(Prysnet rain, falls upon the ray)
Develops and recoiling
His cover of bluish clouds.
And through the smoky slots
Tarnished window
Writes pale watercolors
This pale spring.
M. Voloshin

Maria Ginzburg - watercolor painter (Sweden), a permanent member of watercolor exhibitions, author of six books on watercolor painting in Swedish, published under "Semic" general circulation, more than 200 thousand copies. " Maria is an art gallery "Akvarellcenter" - the place of watercolor courses in Stockholm, where she teaches many art courses. Gallery opened in 2003. The purpose of the gallery - to present the best foreign art watercolors Swedish public. Exhibitions are held 2 to 3 times a year. Typically, the exhibition opened after the countries and representatives of the Swedish authorities. During this time, were given an exhibition of watercolors and courses from America, Australia, India, Belgium, France, England, Latvia, Italy, Sweden. In the near future exhibitions of artists from Austria, Lithuania, Spain, India.