Lithuanian artist Laimonas ?mergelis born June 25, 1972 in the city of Vilnius.
"My job as an artist began in early childhood. No wonder they say that childhood - an extremely important period of human life. Even kindergarten teacher noticed that I was different from other children. Later, to direct my energy in the right direction, my parents gave me in art school. So I spent my bright, original, unique part of life - childhood, where born feeling that came from the world of the mind and the heart - love for the arts. What I can not live without art, I realized, when he entered the Siauliai Pedagogical Institute (now University ), Faculty of fine Arts in 1990.

I am grateful to my teachers - B. Ge?ui, R. Garba?iauskui, R. Vilkauskui, that, despite the relatively - unacceptable pedagogical themes Institute, saw potential in me artist. I graduated from the Institute with a bachelor degree, then a master's degree. In 2006 came the most creative stage in my life, the birth of my son has greatly changed my world. Declarative theme in art conceded topic - child. Child as the main character, now - is, as an occupational disease. I can not stand to go through the magazine rack, where there are children's edition, not to smile and not look at the unique images of children. I'm trying to imagine it interesting character in my next film. I'm a man sensual and consider important to the audience smiling, looking at my work, and I smile ......... as children create our future. "
Sincerely artist Laimonas ?mergelis.
Laimonas ?mergelis
Since 1990 began to participate in exhibitions, held more than 30 author, and participated in more than 40 group exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad.