Imagine that in each of us and, moreover, hid the child. He sleeps quietly yourself a sweet dream, looking at colorful dreams of our life, and wakes up only when a palette of bright colors fading. In these moments, he gently invites us in a warm and pleasant memories of our childhood carefree pore. We are beginning to pose faces, play, ride on the carousel and laugh incessantly, vrednichat and capricious, if we do not give a favorite "toy", surprised the easiest things to rejoice and cry immediately. I thank him for tickets to reverse the childhood that he sometimes gives us, reminding us it themselves! "

Artist - illustrator Caroline Singler lives and works in Saint-Basile-le-Grand, Quebec. Loves children's cartoons, birds attracted her her freedom, cats - their independence.
"Universal symbols: heart, star and spiral - they are all interrelated, and is now part of my creations. A bit of humor and fantasy accompanied by kindness of heart - so this is me!"

It's really Spring, Yahoo!